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Unix Power Tools, 3rd edition (en anglais)
TitreUnix Power Tools, 3rd edition (en anglais)
Taille1,006 KB
Nombre de pages142 Pages
Libéré5 years 3 months 19 days ago
Durées49 min 56 seconds
ClasseMP3 44.1 kHz

Unix Power Tools, 3rd edition (en anglais)

Catégorie: Scolaire et Parascolaire, Érotisme, Sciences, Techniques et Médecine
Auteur: Herman Melville
Éditeur: Joe Hill
Publié: 2016-07-28
Écrivain: Educational Testing Service
Langue: Coréen, Portugais, Grec, Italien, Roumain
Format: pdf, Livre audio
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Documentation :: Book Reviews :: Unix Power Tools, 3rd Edition - Unix Power Tools is very command-line orientated, though the 3rd edition has added some coverage X (including X resources, an obscure but very useful topic). The command-line tools covered have been updated to reflect modern Unixen, and now include: Coverage of FreeBSD and Linux
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Unix Power Tools, Third Edition - Lists. Unix Administration (18 items) list by Mike Burns. Published 15 years, 8 months ago. View all Unix Power Tools, Third Edition lists. Manufacturer: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Release date: 1 October 2002 ISBN-10 : 0596003307 | ISBN-13: 9780596003302
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Jerry Peek, Shelley Powers, Tim O`Reilly, Mike Loukides. - - Unix Power Tools. 3rd Edition. But whether you are a newcomer or a Unix power user, you'll find yourself thumbing through the goldmine of information in the new edition of Unix Power Tools to add to your store of knowledge
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Unix Power Tools, Third Edition [ILLUSTRATED] - Unix Power Tools 3rd Edition is a browser's a magazine that you don't read from start to finish, but leaf through repeatedly until you realize that you've read it all. Bursting with cross-references, interesting sidebars explore syntax or point out other directions for exploration, including
PDF UNIX Power Tools, 3rd Edition - About Unix Versions. Cross-References. What's New in the Third Edition. Typefaces and Other Conventions. 1.2. Power Grows on You. 1.3. The Core of Unix. 1.4. Communication with Unix. 1.5. Programs Are Designed to Work Together
Unix Power Tools, Third Edition: Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, - Unix Power Tools is all of those things, and the overall effect is impressive indeed. If you work with any flavor of Unix, whatever your level of experience She's authored several computer books, including Developing ASP Components, Unix Power Tools 3rd edition, Essential Blogging, and Practical RDF
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UNIX Power Tools, 3rd Edition - by Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides, and other contributors (A complete list of contributors is given in the Preface.) ISBN -596-00330-7 Third edition, published October 2002. (See the catalog page for this book.) Search the text of Unix Power Tools, 3rd Edition
UNIX Power Tools, 3rd Edition: Examples - This page has descriptions of the programs and other example files in the third edition of UNIX Power Tools, published in 2002 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. The script uses the Perl module Lingua::EN::NameParse to sort a list of names by the last name. (See article 22.8.) See also namesort
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