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A Backward Glance: An Autobiography
TitreA Backward Glance: An Autobiography
ClasseOpus 96 kHz
Nombre de pages213 Pages
Taille1,482 KB
Temps48 min 27 seconds
Lancé5 years 30 days ago

A Backward Glance: An Autobiography

Catégorie: Dictionnaires, langues et encyclopédies, Adolescents
Auteur: Devin K. Grayson
Éditeur: René Goscinny
Publié: 2016-10-19
Écrivain: Elena Ferrante, Eric S. Raymond
Langue: Hindi, Hongrois, Arabe
Format: pdf, eBook Kindle
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A Backward Glance: An Autobiography, by | The StoryGraph - A Backward Glance: An Autobiography. Edith Wharton. nonfiction autobiography biography memoir reflective slow-paced. 424 pages | first published 1934
A Backward Glance: An Autobiography - Электронная... - Storytel - A Backward Glance: An Autobiography. 0 0 5 Автор: Edith Wharton. Электронная книга. In his introduction to this edition, Louis Auchincloss calls the writing in A Backward Glance "as firm and crisp and lucid as in the best of her novels."
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A Backward Glance: An Autobiography by Edith Wharton - A Backward Glance: An Autobiography takes readers up to 1934, but Wharton's account of the years post-1918 barely amount to an epilogue. She is not desolate, she still draws from her usual sources of joy
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A Backward Glance by Edith Wharton - A Backward Glance. (1934) The Autobiography Of Edith Wharton A non fiction book by Edith Wharton. Title: A Backward Glance: An Autobiography Author(s): Edith Wharton ISBN: -684-84755-8 / 978--684-84755-9 (USA edition) Publisher: Simon & Schuster Availability:
9780684847559: A Backward Glance: An - A Backward Glance: An Autobiography by Wharton, Edith at - ISBN 10: 0684847558 - ISBN 13: 9780684847559 - Simon In his introduction to this edition, Louis Auchincloss calls the writing in A Backward Glance "as firm and crisp and lucid as in the best of her novels."
A Backward Glance : An Autobiography (Paperback) - - Edith Wharton; Louis Auchincloss. A Backward Glance : An Autobiography (Paperback). USD$15.74. (4.0)4 stars out of 3 reviews3 reviews. Add to cart. A Backward Glance : An Autobiography (Paperback)
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"Justice" to Edith Wharton's A Backward Glance - Edith Wharton's autobiography, A Backward Glance, has long frustrated readers. Loring Schuler, her editor at Ladies' Home Journal, made no secret of his disappointment with her intellectual tone and focus on forgotten people. While no single document can capture a subject as complex as Wharton,
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A Backward Glance: Edith Wharton & Film - A Backward Glance: An Autobiography. Despite not publishing her first novel until she was forty, Edith Wharton became an extraordinarily productive writer and was the first woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. In addition to her fifteen novels, seven novellas, and eighty-five short
PDF A Backward Glance | a/b: Auto/Biography Studies - A Backward Glance. By Nancy K. Miller. A Backward Glance: I borrow my title from Edith Wharton's autobiography; Wharton borrows the phrase from Walt Whitman's prose epilogue to the 1889 edition of Leaves of Grass, "A Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads."
A Backward Glance : An Autobiography by Edith | eBay - A Backward Glanceis Edith Wharton's vivid account of both her public and her private life. With richness and delicacy, it describes the sophisticated New York society in which Wharton spent her youth, and chronicles her travels throughout Europe and her literary success as an adult
A Backward Glance | autobiography by Wharton | Britannica - Her autobiography, A Backward Glance, appeared in 1934. In all Wharton published more than 50 books, including fiction, short stories, travel books, historical novels, and criticism
A Backward Glance: An Autobiography (Book) - A Backward Glance: An Autobiography by Wharton, Edith & Auchincloss, Louis
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A Backward Glance | Book by Edith Wharton, Louis Auchincloss - A Backward Glance. An Autobiography. By Edith Wharton. In his introduction to this edition, Louis Auchincloss calls the writing in A Backward Glance "as firm and crisp and lucid as in the best of her novels."
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A Backward Glance (July 15, 1998 edition) | Open Library - A Backward Glance. An Autobiography. by Edith Wharton. A Backward Glance. An Autobiography. This edition was published in July 15, 1998 by Scribner. Classifications
A Backward Glance: An Autobiography - A backward. Glance. byEDITH WHARTON. A touchstone book. Not long ago I read a number of reviews of a recently published autobiography. All the reviewers united in praising it on the score that here at last was an autobiographer who was not afraid to tell the truth!
A Backward Glance: An Autobiography: Wharton, Edith, - This item: A Backward Glance: An Autobiography. by Edith Wharton Paperback. "A Backward Glance" is, for the most part, a quick, easy read. That is good because it allows readers to get on to reading Mrs. Wharton's better short stories, novellas and novels AND biographies of her by others
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